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"For I am the first, and the last. 

I am the honoured one and the scorned one. 

I am the whore and the Holy one. 

I am the mother and the daughter. 

I am the members of my mother. "

- Hymn to Isis, 3rd or 4th Century BC

GAÏA is a multi-faceted theatre show, incorporating live piano, organic materials such as clay, wood and leather, voice and Butoh Dance. 


Gaïa is a dream-like, sound filled journey to the entrails of the earth. Each scene unfolds in a cyclic format, revealing the four seasons which are reminiscent of live paintings.

It is an ode to the Wild Woman, to animal mythology and sorcery... a universal tale at the intersection of the arts, surpassing the division between words and age.


Gaïa brings us to her den, and whispers to our ear the original common language. Keeper of secrets and history of the Earth, Gaïa is she whom carries in her the echoes of forgotten memories and our universal intentions.

Presented as the grande finale performance for the Festival des Créateurs de Masques in Montreuil, France in November 2015 (an event showcasing various mask work from mask and physical theatre professionals in France, Belgium and the UK). Recently GAÏA has been invited to perform in the Manhattan College in New York City for an academic conference organised by the Museum of Motherhood in May 2016. In April 2016, the first segment (Autumn) was performed in the Tatwerk Performing Arts Festival in Berlin. 

Writing and Directing                                                                                                Original Music 

Jayne Walling, Juliette Mosconi                                                                                  Juliette Mosconi                     

Original Mask Creation                                                                                                   Performers

Stefano Perroco di Meduna                                                                Jayne Walling, Juliette Mosconi

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